Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Native American Music Essay -- essays research papers

Local American music has various melodic styles. Inside each Native American clan there is an assortment of melodic styles and instruments. In light of the examination that I have directed, there are three principle melodic styles that will be my place of core interest. The Sioux Grass Dance, the Zuni Lullaby, and the Iroquois Quiver Dance are the primary strategies which add to Native American music.  â â â â The Sioux Grass Dance is viewed as the most well known style of Native American Music. As one moves to this music, they follow an example known as â€Å"toe-heel.† This comprises of the individual putting the left foot before the privilege and rehashing with the other foot. Every male artist makes numerous individual varieties of this move bringing about a so...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Un viaje en micro Essay Example

Un viaje en miniaturized scale Essay Example Un viaje en miniaturized scale Essay Un viaje en miniaturized scale Essay En el viaje de casa al colegio una v㠯⠿â ½ muchas cosas. Personas vestidas extravagantemente, parejas peleando, nenes llorando y sus madres ret㠯⠿â ½ndolos. Luego de tantos a㠯⠿â ½os viajando en miniaturized scale, me volv㠯⠿â ½ muy observadora, teniendo la extra㠯⠿â ½a habilidad de notar cosas que la mayor㠯⠿â ½a no nota. El no hablar mucho con los dem㠯⠿â ½s pasajeros tambi㠯⠿â ½n ayuda a que mi habilidad se fortalezca. Solo suelo charlar con dos viejas conocidas y saludar a quienes me saludan.Este d㠯⠿â ½a hab㠯⠿â ½a comenzado ordinary, desayun㠯⠿â ½, salud㠯⠿â ½ a mam㠯⠿â ½ y me dirig㠯⠿â ½ a la vereda an esperar el smaller scale llegar. Sub㠯⠿â ½ y salude al conductor. Me siento y miro por la ventana. Al rato, mi vieja amiga Ail㠯⠿â ½n sube al colectivo y se sienta a mi lado, comenzamos a charlar del examen que tendr㠯⠿â ½amos en la primera hora. Sacamos nuestros apuntes y junta s, repasamos un poco.Al llegar an unas cuadras del colegio, veo un auto y un cami㠯⠿â ½n dirigirse hacia donde nosotros nos encontrabamos, sin detenerse en absoluto. Trat㠯⠿â ½ de bajarme del small scale, para irme caminando, viendo venir el peligro. Sent㠯⠿â ½a los nervios y la adrenalina correr por mi inside. Esper㠯⠿â ½ y esper㠯⠿â ½, hasta que lo siento.El impacto sucedi㠯⠿â ½, y lentamente pierdo el conocimiento.Despierto de golpe, para verme ilesa, al igual que los dem㠯⠿â ½s arriba del smaller scale. Observ㠯⠿â ½ que todos estaban dormidos, y asusatada, despierto an Ail㠯⠿â ½n, sacudiendola. Ella hab㠯⠿â ½a sentido lo mismo que yo, y sin prestar atenci㠯⠿â ½n al resto, bajamos del colectivo, dirigiendonos al colegio.Cuando llegamos a la cuadra siguiente, descubrimos que estaba cortada. Al acercarme para ver si los peatones pod㠯⠿â ½an pasar, siento una brisa fr㠯⠿â ½a; me doy vuelta y Ail㠯⠿â ½n hab㠯⠿â ½a desaparecido como reguero de p㠯⠿â ½lvora. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Como pudo dejarme sola acà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½?!Sigo mi camino y encuentro una bibicleta cerca de un kiosco. Le pregunto al hombre que atend㠯⠿â ½a si alguien la habia dejado all㠯⠿â ½, porque yo necesitaba llegar a la escuela; à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½l me respondi㠯⠿â ½ que hace d㠯⠿â ½as que estaba ahi y nadie ven㠯⠿â ½a por ella. La agarr㠯⠿â ½ y pude llegar. Veo al smaller scale estacionado afuera de la escuela y suspiro, a㠯⠿â ½n despues de tantos a㠯⠿â ½os, el conduncor tiene sus a㠯⠿â ½os y sigue olvid㠯⠿â ½ndose de m㠯⠿â ½. Oigo el barullo de los alumnos adentro y le pido al portero que me habra el port㠯⠿â ½n. à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½l me sonr㠯⠿â ½e y me abre la puerta. Yo sigo mi camino, pero cuando entro no veo a nadie.Me sorprendi㠯⠿â ½, ya que hab㠯⠿â ½a podido escuchar a todos los alumnos hacer ruido, mucho ruido. Sin ba n, no ve㠯⠿â ½a a nadie en el sal㠯⠿â ½n de actos. Sospechando que algo malo estubiera pasando, subo las escaleras y asomo la cabeza por la ventanita de la sala de profesores. Nada.Me asomo para ver si hab㠯⠿â ½a alg㠯⠿â ½n preceptor. Nadie.Ya asustada, bajo las escaleras y salgo al porch, esperando encontrar alguna hermana all㠯⠿â ½ afuera. No se ve㠯⠿â ½a nothing. Corro hasta la capilla y entro; no hab㠯⠿â ½a nadie all㠯⠿â ½. Entro a la casa de las hermanas y me fijo si habia alguien. Nadie se encontraba all㠯⠿â ½ tampoco.Salgo al yard de la capilla y tiro la mochila al suelo. Pod㠯⠿â ½a escuchar claramente las familiares voces de mis compa㠯⠿â ½eros en el sal㠯⠿â ½n de actos, asi que sali corriendo y entr㠯⠿â ½ de un golpe por la puerta trasera. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Acaso alguien me estaba jugando una broma? Pues entonces no time muy divertida.Me siento en las escaleras del esenario y me sostengo la cabeza con l as manos. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Que estaba ocurriendo conmigo? Me levanto y me dirijo al centro del esenario, no se porqu㠯⠿â ½. Las voces de los alumnos me rodeaban; eran miles y miles de voces que me estaban volviendo loca. Me agarro la cabeza y caigo de rodillas, gritando.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Que sucede? Me despierto sobresaltada para encontrame acostada y viendo un lugar blanco y verde. Giro mi cabeza hacia el costado y veo a mi mam㠯⠿â ½ sentada en una silla, dormida. Cuando quiero hablarle, no puedo formar palabra alguna. Miro mi brazo y veo un suero conectado a à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½l. Descubro que llevaba puesto un respirador en la nariz, como el de las peliculas.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Que hab㠯⠿â ½a pasado realmente?

Friday, August 21, 2020


I AM CONNECTED! So dear readers, I have finally made it to MIT. I???m writing this from my own room in Burton-Conner on my new (to me) laptop and will soon be posting it to my blog thanks to my wireless Internet connection. I drove up the East Coast on Saturday morning (well ok, my parents drove) and arrived on campus around 5:30. I checked in at the front desk of my dorm and my family helped me carry all my crates of junk up to my room. Speaking of my room, it got changed. Several times. I was originally supposed to be on the Burton half of the building in a double, but my room had to be crowded (meaning they were going to squeeze and extra frosh in there and make it a triple.) So when someone elsewhere in the building moved out, they un-crowded my room and gave me a single on the Conner half of the fifth floor. Only no one ever told me. So when I got an email saying that I had been moved from one single to another, I was really very confused. The rooming chair was very nice, she went back and checked what happened and cleared everything up for me, but it made yesterday a little boring and lonely. Yes, I was looking forward to having a roommate. Leave me alone. Right after moving my stuff into my dorm, I headed over to the Student Center to check in with the Orientation people. (This is a great idea, because that way you can get your MIT ID card, which has your TechCash account on it. And where would you be without that?) It was there that I met my first frosh friends- Jake and Kevin, who are both here early for cross country. (All the freshmen who are here this early are either doing FPOPS, or theyre international students or athletes. Everyone else comes in for Orientation next weekend.) I went back to my room and organized some of my stuff, until I found out my parents went out to eat without me. (Theyre staying until Monday morning.) So I made my way over to Characters, the bar/restaurant at the Kendall Square Marriot via the Infinite Corridor. Now, one of the things they give you at Orientation Check-In is the 101 Things To Do Before You Graduate, which Sam has already alluded to. Number 88 is Count your steps down the Infinite Corridor. So I figured, Hey. Its my first day on campus. What better way to start off my MIT experience than by doing something on that list? Its not like I had anything else to do while walking around campus by myself. Now, Im not exactly sure of the exact definition of the Infinite Corridor, so I didnt start counting until I was out of Lobby 7, but I got 233. You know, in case you were wondering. After eating with my parents, I headed over to the Z-Center to activate my card for their facilities. (They hand you a couple of forms at the Orientation desk. You fill them out, hand them in at the front desk of the Z-Center, and youre done in about 30 seconds.) Yesterday Amanda 08 from my floor stopped by to tell me that our GRT (Graduate Resident Tutorthese are known as RAs in the rest of the world), Keirnan, was hosting a floor lunch. Its great having friendly upperclassmen around. I got to meet some people and eat free pizza, so I gave the event a thumbs-up. I also met Katie 09 there and we went to the field hockey team dinner together. The team is awesome- all of the upperclassmen are so friendly and helpful. (Were going to need that on Wednesday, when the freshmen are responsible for the team dinner. Yikes! Expect a fun story about that one.) After the team dinner the 5 freshmen field hockey players went into Boston for ice cream and then kind of wandered around campus visiting random people we knew. Then I came back to my dorm to try to set up my Internet connection I had removed my ethernetthing to put in my wireless card, and the computer got mad at me for that. It kept crashing as soon as I turned it on. After playing with it for awhile, I finally managed to get to the point where the wireless card detected a signal. From there it was only a matter of entering my Athena usernname and password and You guys, Im so, so proud of myself right now. It was probably the simplest thing I ever had to do on a computer but hey! It worked! Im excited! I can use the Internet now! Today we had THREE sessions of field hockey practice. It really wasnt that bad, because we did a lot of skills and we even scrimmaged a couple of times. We ran 2 miles in the morning and that was the worst of the day. It feels so good to be playing again- to be out there on the field in a game situation. It feels not so good to be sweaty aaalll day long. I was never so excited to take a shower. Campus is slightly deserted at the moment, so things are a little slow, but Im already excited to be here! Case in point: Kiernan just knocked on my suite door to offer me a cookie! What more could I ask for?! P.S. One last tip for frosh- make sure to pick up your copy of the How To GAMIT (How to Get Around MIT) on the first floor of the student center. Ive already used mine several times. =)